Rosemary and Migraines

Rosemary, an herb of the Sun, is a culinary herb used regularly by people all over the world. Culpepper says, “It helps a weak memory, and quickens the senses.” Plant rosemary in the waning Moon phase during a fertile sign.

I’ve dealt with migraines for as long as I can remember. They used to last three days, but now they’re down to one. A few weeks ago, I had a little garden miracle with rosemary that I want to share with you.

I've had a migraine/headache for 6 days straig...

Migraine (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’d been suffering from a migraine all day. I’d taken at least 5 Advil and a couple of Excedrin migraine pills. I stopped using prescription pills a long time ago because their side effects were almost as bad as the headache. It was a very hot day with lots of bright sunshine. Even though bright light is usually unbearable with a migraine, I decided to go outside and sit in the sun for a while because I wanted to feel the warmth on my skin.

While sitting outside, I was drawn to my rosemary bush. I had a strong desire to rub my hands on it. You know that sticky feel of fresh rosemary? That’s what I was after.

I went over and rubbed my hands on the rosemary bush, then rubbed my hands all over my face and the back of my neck. I rubbed the plant some more, rubbed my hands together really fast and then held them up to my nose to breathe in that amazing rosemary scent. I’m telling you, if I could have, I’d have rolled in it like a cat in catnip.

I sat back down, and in about five minutes noticed that the migraine was gone. Completely! GONE!

Well, when I got back inside I googled rosemary and migraines. I found out that this magnificent herb is an excellent choice for treating migraines and usually works within 5-10 minutes. Amen, I’ll say! Apparently, the oil of the rosemary works to constrict blood vessels which are dilated during a headache. I’m not a doctor, an aromatherapist, or a certified herbalist, so I’m just passing on what I read online.

I’ve had several migraines since then, and each time the remedy has worked. I’ve started keeping rosemary inside at my kitchen window to have handy during bad weather. I’ve also experimented by taking several deep breaths from my rosemary essential oil bottle. It works quite well, but the fresh rosemary seems to work better. (Warning! Do not put the essential oil on your skin or take it internally! Definitely don’t use it if you’re pregnant or nursing.)

I find it quite interesting that I was drawn to both the sun’s light and heat, and the rosemary (which is ruled by the Sun). Sometimes our bodies just know.

I have to tell you that if you are experiencing headaches that you need to see your doctor. Headaches are serious business and you need to find out why you are having them.

A lot of you are comfortable using fresh herbs and essential oils and take the necessary precautions. If you’re not familiar with rosemary essential oil, you can learn more about it at Organic Facts. Here’s their warning, so take heed. Check out more about rosemary at, and remember that plants have great power. Know what you’re dealing with!

“Rosemary oil may, at times, cause allergic reactions, so it should only be used if prescribed or after thorough consultation with your medical specialist. Since rosemary oil is volatile in nature, the oil has occasionally caused vomiting and spasms. Therefore, it should never be ingested. It is strongly suggested that rosemary essential oil should not be used by pregnant, breastfeeding, or nursing women. Excessive use of the oil may even lead to miscarriage or a disability in the fetus.” ~ Organic Facts



9 thoughts on “Rosemary and Migraines

  1. Eric says:

    I can attest, had a bad temple headache, something just told me to rub rosemary oil on my temple (side of forehead), pain subsided instantly!! 🙌

  2. Allaiyah Weyn says:

    I will try rubbing some fresh rosemary on my neck & see if it aids my neck strain before they can turn into tension headaches.

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