Why Work with the Moon?

Short answer: it helps me plan my days.

Long answer:

You may have seen almanacs on the newstand and wondered how they could be a help to you if you’re not a farmer, or you’re not canning things. I don’t can, but if I did I’d certainly do it by the almanac.

I was an astrologer before I was a gardener and learned about lunar gardening quite by accident. I gave it a shot, though, and it seemed to work for me. Now, before doing any garden chore, I check my lunar calendar.

I learned what works inside the house, too ~ the kind of activities that are best done during a certain sign or moon phase. I call that “bringing the Moon indoors.” Believe it or not, the Moon loves being with us inside our homes as much as she does outside in our gardens.

Why bother with signs and phases? It helps you plan your month. After tracking the Moon for a while, you’ll learn which signs are better than others for you to schedule meetings, take vacations, or go shopping for shoes or groceries.

I absolutely have to be in my house when the Moon is in Taurus. I want to clean my house, garden, and cook. Every single month. I don’t plan trips when the Moon is in Taurus anymore because I’m miserable and can’t wait to get back home. When the Moon leaves Taurus for Gemini, I settle into another mode.

You definitely need to know your Moon sign, the sign that the Moon was in when you were born. This will help you understand your basic emotional needs, how you relate to others emotionally, and what makes you happy. It’s the foundation of your personal life.

If you’re interested in tracking the Moon in a very personal way, you’ll need to have a copy of your natal chart to use as a monthly guide. After a few months of tracking the Moon in your own life, you won’t need a copy of your natal chart in front of you anymore. You’ll just know. You’ll feel it in your bones.

You can get a free one made for you at astro.com. Your natal chart will give you your Sun sign, your Moon sign, and a whole lot more.


2 thoughts on “Why Work with the Moon?

  1. ACG says:

    Hello Anti Moon,

    I wonder if you could tell me where I could find the month of April and May for garden and house and anything that could be useful for Gemini.

    Your web or blog is very interesting thank you for sharing you knowledge with everyone.

    Kind regards


    • cj wright says:

      Hi, ACG.

      I didn’t get the Zodiactivities calendar together for April, but will have one for May before this month is out.

      To find activities for Gemini, click on this link: https://lunarhomeandgarden.com/category/03-gemini/. They are interspersed with activities for the week. The things listed are for when the Moon is in Gemini.

      I don’t have anything specific for the individual sun signs; for example, something like “gardening for Geminis.” Maybe I’ll add something like that, though.

      What kind of info are you looking for? What to plant, the gemini garden, how to bring gemini into your home? Let me know and I’ll help you with that.


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