Herb and Spice Labels for Magickal Cupboards

How many books do you pull out when you’re looking for the properties of one of the herbs or spices on your spice rack? You may have a favorite, but do you double check the other ones, too? Or do a quick search on line?

I do did.

Nope, not anymore. Those days are over for me.

Now, the meanings (and more!) are right on the labels. Yep. Easy-peasy.

Every time I pick up a spice jar, the correspondences and properties are literally at hand.

Here’s a close up of the thyme and tumeric labels:

It doesn’t matter which way your spices face in the cupboard because the name of the spice is on the top and sides of the label. You’ll always be able to see what’s what.

If there are alternate or magickal names, those are listed under the real name.

Next comes three or four magickal properties of the spice, along with a graphic for those of us who are visual. Sometimes I found a flower for the spices and sometimes I only have them in powdered form.

On the left hand side is a symbol for the element of the spice. Below that is the planetary correspondence. Fire herbs are in red, air herbs in lavender, earth in green, and water in blue. Mars rules lots of spices so most of the spices are fiery in nature.

On the right hand side is another symbol of the element, but using the suits of the tarot. So, if you’re whipping up some special tarot blends, the element is right there for you.

There are also several blank lines to add your own notes about the spice or maybe even a little spell.

On the upper corners are two more blank lines to use for whatever you want. Harvest dates (if you grown your own herbs) and expiration dates are good to note here.

Here’s something fun!

Gather all the spices you’ll be using in a recipe. You’ll have all their meanings right there in front of you and may even come up with a spell that you’d never thought of before. Kitchen Magick is right in front of you!

I didn’t want the labels to look too hokey. I’m not hosting a year-round Halloween party so I made them look “normal.” (But they’re not normal.)

And. I really like the consistent look the labels bring to my spice cupboard. It just looks a lot more organized AND I can find the spices easier because the type is the same font and size every time. It’s really helpful.

The labels are delivered in a pdf file as an instant download. I printed them on plain printer paper and taped them to my spice bottles. I had to trim a few from the bottom to fit the really short bottles, but they still work great.

If you want to use real labels, these fit on Avery 2″ x 4″ shipping labels (#5163).


There are 90 labels for $$8.00, available from my Etsy Store.

Instant download!


That doesn’t add up. I know. You see, I made two Cinnamon Stick labels and I couldn’t delete one without messing up the whole file…so…there are 70 labels, but only 69 herbs and spices.

  1. Allspice
  2. Angelica
  3. Basil
  4. Bay
  5. Cayenne
  6. Pepper Flakes
  7. Cinnamon
  8. Cinnamon Stick (2)
  9. Clove
  10. Dill
  11. Garlic
  12. Ginger
  13. Ginger Candied
  14. Juniper Berry
  15. Nutmeg (Ground)
  16. Nutmeg (Whole)
  17. Onion Powder
  18. Orange Zest
  19. Paprika
  20. Paprika Smoked
  21. Peppermint
  22. Rosemary
  23. Saffron
  24. Onion Salt
  25. Onion Minced
  26. Shallot
  27. Cilantro
  28. Tarragon
  29. Black Mustard Seed
  30. Yellow Mustard Seed
  31. Filet
  32. Cumin Ground
  33. Cumin Whole
  34. Curry Powder
  35. Galangal
  36. Chili Powder
  37. Black Pepper
  38. Sesame Seed
  39. Pickling Spice
  40. Five Spice
  41. Orange Extract
  42. Lemon Zest
  43. Hibiscus
  44. Summer Savory
  45. Oregano
  46. Chamomile
  47. Coffee
  48. Herbs de Provence
  49. Italian Seasoning
  50. Almond
  51. Caraway Seed
  52. Celery Seed
  53. Lavender
  54. Marjoram
  55. Mint
  56. Parsley
  57. Rice
  58. Sage
  59. Star Anise
  60. Salt
  61. Oats
  62. Barley
  63. Oakmoss
  64. Cream of Tartar
  65. Cardamom
  66. Thyme
  67. Olive Oil
  68. Tumeric
  69. Vanilla

Pre-Labeled for Your Special Blends

  1. Protection
  2. Lust
  3. Love
  4. Healing
  5. Moon Water
  6. Blessing Salt
  7. Prosperity
  8. Money
  9. Psychic Power

Add your ingredient list and special notes.



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