1, 2, and 3 Moon Days in the Garden

It’s easy for me to remember which signs are the most productive for certain gardening activities by using this 1, 2 or 3 Moon system I came up with.


Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, the water signs are the most fertile. They are 3 Moon days. Fertile and semi-fertile signs are best used for starting seeds, planting, transplanting, watering and fertilizing.


Taurus and Capricorn, the semi-fertile signs, are next best with two Moons.


Libra and Virgo follow with one Moon.

1sunThe barren signs ~ Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, and Gemini ~ are noted by a Sun instead of a Moon. They aren’t good planting signs generally, but they are the best signs for some other activities. This system will help you see at a glance which days are best for your gardening activities.

Barren signs are best used for garden clean-up, pruning, getting rid of garden pests like weeds, white flies, slugs and snails, scale, and anything else that harms your garden. These signs are also excellent for decorating and generally sprucing up your garden.