Choosing Your Personal Symbols for the New Year

Sometimes things just come to us. We don’t ask for them. It’s just their time.

There was a Christmas I remember very well because almost every gift I got was purple. Clothing, jewelry, do-dads, you name it. They were all purple. What gave these purple gifts an additional layer of meaning was the fact that I was entering Cycle 7, according to numerology’s personal year numbers. Purple is the color for 7.

Some symbols are ours for life. Others are with us as we pass through various phases, and some serve us as we engage in events or passages. That’s what the symbols for the New Year are. They are with us for this year to remind us of what we’d like the year to be.

Corresponding symbols of the zodiac, numerology, and the tarot give us an outstanding starting point for picking our personal symbols because they are interwoven.

Why not pick your personal symbols for the New Year? There’s no need to pick them all at once. Start with one and let the others come to you. They can be symbols for your zodiac sign, Moon sign, something that represents what you’d like to focus on, anything. I’m off to a good start with mine, so let me tell you how I chose some of them.

The Scent of the New Year

Let me start by saying that I love roses, but they’ve never been my favorite flower. I lean toward spicy-scented  carnations and oddities like trilliums, birds of paradise, and coxcombs. On a recent shopping trip, I was constantly attracted to things with the scent of rose. Strongly attracted to them. Now rose can be a hard scent to recreate, and most rose-scented products end up smelling fake and chemically. I found three rose-scented things that were really delicious, not fake smelling at all. They have a wonderful, light rose scent that I couldn’t resist. So, I know that my scent for the New Year is rose.

I found a shampoo and a conditioner just for thin hair like mine that were scented with rose. In a different store, I found an aloe vera gel with a light rose scent. I use aloe vera gel like hand cream and keep it in my car. I’m very excited about these little treasures.

And here come the symbols’ connections…

What makes the whole thing especially nice is that rose is the flower of Venus. Venus is the planet associated with the number 6—which just happens to be the Personal Year Cycle I’m entering in the New Year.

The Personal Year

I’m excited about entering Cycle 6, the year of sharing, family, and community. With the year’s focus on artistic expression and relationships of all kinds, it is definitely connected to Venus. Six is one of my personal numbers, too, so there’s yet another layer of meaning.

I wrote a series of booklets back in the 90’s about the 9 different cycles and I’ve been revising them in the past few weeks. Even after all these years, I find them so helpful and begin each year with a re-reading and refer to them regularly throughout the year. There’s nothing like taking your own advice.

(Year-Seers are available at Work out your personal numbers with this free worksheet.)


I’ve also discovered my crystals for the New Year: Hematite, Labradorite, and Tourmalated (or Tourmalinated) Quartz. The Hematite is for grounding, the Labradorite for magic and curiosity, and Tourmalated Quartz for the removal of obstacles. I found my crystal symbols in a test at Energy Muse, a site I just happened to stumble upon for the first time recently. I think I’ll add Rose Quartz to keep the Venus vibe going strong and the stone of 6, Lapis Lazuli.


The Empress is the typical card for Venus, so I’m awfully glad to claim her as a guide this year. I’ve been strongly attracted to glue and glitter recently and want to get my artist’s groove back on. I’ve been feeling a strong tug to strengthen the bonds in my local community, too, so I feel connected to the New Year’s energy already.

I’ve always been fond of the tarot sixes, so I’m very happy to have them as personal symbols this year.


The color for cycle 6 in numerology is indigo. It represents wisdom and responsibility and can serve as a buffer between our feelings and the harsh realities of the outside world. I’ll take a buffer any time I can get it, and especially in what is likely to be a tender year.

What Else?

I’m sure some other things will reveal themselves as the year begins to unfold. As I said in the beginning, sometimes they just come to us.

Here’s wishing you a year filled with magic and love and the discovery of new symbols that will help you through this journey of life.

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